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Employee relations transformation at Currys


Of all tasks in the management of employee
relations matters are now entirely manager-led.


Reduction in outsourced
advice line resources


Of the entire line manager cohort of 3,000+
have self-served an ER case in the last year.

Case study overview

The AdviserPlus solution

The results of working with Currys:

  • 88% of all tasks in the management of employee relations matters are now entirely manager-led.
  • Line manager empowerment was optimised within 3 months of launch.
  • 73% of the entire line manager cohort of 3,000+ have self-served an ER case in the last year, so the adoption of the digitalisation of processes has been fantastic.
  • 62% reduction in outsourced advice line resources from the previous incumbent, resulting in cost efficiencies.
  • Employee relations cases are more accurately recorded under the correct incident categories, surfacing issues previously lost within siloed data, enabling proactive, faster responses.
  • 24/7 access provides managers with the flexibility to access the service at a time that suits them, complimented by a team of expert advisers to help coach managers in more complex situations.


The efficiency of the implementation and the engaging onboarding process meant we could see the benefits almost immediately. Manager adoption is high and the access to insight has helped us focus our resources on building capability where it is most needed. This is a true cultural enabler. We feel like we have a genuine partnership with AdviserPlus that is enabling us to focus on driving colleague engagement and building manager capability.”

Alison MetcalfeHead of ER and People Change, Currys

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